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Tsehai Publishers Will Have You Turning Pages For Years

Tsehai Publishers was founded in 1998 by Elias Wondimu with the sincere desire to make a difference in the world through curated information and knowledge production. Their glossary is vast at affordable prices and their website worth a visit.

Here is just a small sample of what you can expect from a very thought-out group.

Inspiring stories and beautiful photographic portraits of sixty-four phenomenal contemporary Ethiopian women who have broken through age-old barriers to advance in their fields. Each woman tells her own story of where she came from, what challenges she faced, what helped her succeed, what inspires her, and what thoughts she has for girls and……….Explore MORE

Ethiopia is in the midst of unprecedented and sweeping reforms taking place at lightning speed. Close observers of the reform process are deeply divided. Some are excited, inspired and energized; others are sceptical, despondent and even scared. A glance merely at the headlines on mainstream and……….Explore MORE

A good autobiography has a strange effect on a reader, at least this one. As I read Adugnaw Worku’s riveting life story, I found that I was putting myself in his shoes. After a few chapters, I was imagining that I had lived his odyssey and shared in his struggle for an education. That’s the impact of………..Explore MORE

The book excavates the critical concepts and interpretative procedures of qiné hermeneutics with a view to enucleate an Ethiopian critical tradition that could meet the intellectual, social, and political challenges of the modern world. It conducts a critical internal journey into Ethiopia’s intellectual………Explore MORE

The Gamo Folktales, a collection of 150 stories gathered from the Gamo communities of the highlands of southwest Ethiopia, provides insight into the vibrancy and deep traditions of the Gamo people. Historically known as agro-pastoralists, their usage of folktales forms an integral part of their rich culture, carrying traditional…………Explore MORE